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标题 □ 有关爱德华滋一二事(Albert Mohler & 康来昌)        编号 □  52
发布者 □  康来昌推荐       发布时间 □  Fri Nov 12 03:29:54 2021
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Albert Mohler

In his sermon entitled "The Christian Pilgrim", Jonathan Edwards wrote: “The enjoyment of [God] is the only happiness with which our souls can be satisfied. To go to heaven, fully to enjoy God, is infinitely better than the most pleasant accommodations here.Fathers and mothers, husbands, wives, or children, or the company of earthly friends, are but shadows; but God is the substance.These are but scattered beams, but God is the sun. These are but streams. But God is the ocean. ”
爱德华滋在一篇名为〈朝圣基督徒〉的讲道中提到:「我们的灵魂只有在享受神时才能得到满足的喜乐。在天堂里完全的享受神,比在世寄居中最好的日子都要好上无限倍!父母、夫妻、儿女以及地上的朋友都只是影儿,『这些原是后事的影儿;那形体却是基督』(西2:17) ,唯有神才是真体。因为这些只是零散的光辉,而神是太阳;这些只是支流,神却是大海!」

The late Paul Ramsey, one of the editor's of the great Yale edition of Edward's works, once explained his significance: “One studies the time and backgrounds of some men in oer to understand them. Others have such rare greatness that one studies them in order to understand their times, Jonathan Edwards was such an original.”
Paul Ramsey 曾有如下对爱德华滋的盛赞:「有的时候,要认识一些伟人,就要研究他的时代和环境背景。另外一些更伟大的人,研究他们是为了要认识他的时代,如何被这个伟人所影响。爱德华滋就是一个影响他所在世代的伟人。」

“Jonathan Edwards After 300 Years: A Tercentennial View” http://www.crosswalk.com/1223538/print/


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